
Automate Learning Course Design and Development to Accelerate the Process and Scale Your Digital Education Offerings.

The Current Scenario: 

Our client, a leading education publisher of learning and research material with global reach, seeks to enhance their innovative four-level American English course for adults and young adults. With 1200 activities per level, they aim to develop the second edition, focusing on animated presentations and interactive activity pages. Harbinger is tasked with bringing their vision to fruition. 

 Automate course design and development process and increase student engagement 

In response to client specifications, Harbinger prioritized course design and development, automating and templatizing animated presentations and activity pages. This streamlined approach was applied to a comprehensive four-level course. 

  • Design Templates: Harbinger crafted HTML5 templates for interactive elements like quizzes.  
  • XML Backend: Storing content in XML ensured easy updates and minimized file size, crucial for low-bandwidth users.  
  • Automation: Automation converted Word storyboards to XML effortlessly.  
  • Presentation Authoring Tool: Harbinger developed an authoring environment which seamlessly integrates multimedia elements, XML files, and templates, streamlining presentation creation and editing. 

 What was the impact of Automated Course Design and Development Automation? 

The client could get the course up and running in the scheduled time because of template-based solution design and automation. 

  • XML-based Solution to Translate in Multiple Languages 
  • Faster Development of 1000+ Activities 
  • Template-Based Design and Automation 
  • Improved Student Engagement Ratio 

Discover how Harbinger’s innovative EdTech solution utilizing template-based course design and development automation enabled a leading education publisher of learning and research material to expand its digital offering set.

Harbinger Enabled GoCo To Accelerate Integration


Expanding a Leading Educational Provider’s Digital Offering Set with Automated Course Design and Developmen

Integrate AI into HR to automate HR function and maximize HR capabilities. Leverage GenAI to accelerate the employee lifecycle and drive organizational excellence.


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