Desktop App to Create Storyboard and eLearning Courses
A user friendly desktop app for creating illustration based engaging e-learning courses with customizable storyboards, backgrounds and detailed character development
A silicon valley based startup in eLearning domain looking to provide an illustration based engaging, user-friendly eLearning authoring tool to create storyboards, for users having no programming knowledge
- Need to develop realistic characters of different ethnicities. Apply features of one ethnic character to other characters of different ethnicities.
- Attire implementation- Create different combinations of attire for the characters and apply same attire part on characters of different ethnicities and culture
- Maintain the state of character and background while exporting to desktop and using same for importing to storyboard, without a database
Harbinger Solution
- Leveraging Adobe Flash detailed customization of the characters including facial expressions, ethnicity, cloths and positions etc., was carried out. This helped achieve a rich UI and gave a realistic look and feel to the characters.
- Divided attire into two parts- Upper clothing and lower clothing. All upper clothing and lower clothing files are again divided into constant number of parts. Whenever any attire changes, it will replace all the parts of old with new attire.
- Created standard xml structure with required properties of object and updating file with every user action (add, delete, update)
Technologies & Tools
- Adobe AIR 3.0
- Adobe Flash Builder
- Photoshop
- CS4
- End users could easily create characters with minute detailing, save it in library and use it in storyboard. In short, end users could create an engaging eLearning course without the need of any programming.
- The application provided various attire combinations to develop unique look and feel of characters to facilitate diverse user needs and storyboard requirements
- End user could capture close ups with detailed features and expressions of characters resulting in a realistic storyboard