
Superior Employee Support with AI-Based Automated Onboarding and Learning

The Current Scenario

AI can enable automated onboarding and learning to transform the way organizations deliver employee support. Successful implementation of AI-based solutions can personalize training programs, streamline administrative tasks, and ensure continuous support throughout the onboarding process.

However, many organizations still rely on traditional methodologies to onboard new hires. They focus on expert-led employee training without considering the limitations and hiccups associated with this approach:

  • Time-intensive employee onboarding
  • Slow and inefficient learning
  • Dependency on high-priced experts
  • Poor customer satisfaction
  • Low employee engagement and knowledge retention

Rethink Employee Support with Automated Onboarding and Learning

A multinational investment bank and financial services firm approached Harbinger to overcome similar challenges. They wanted to automate onboarding and learning, accelerate their ticket resolution process, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver seamless employee support experiences.

Harbinger helped them streamline their onboarding and learning processes. We designed, developed, and deployed an AI-based automated onboarding and learning solution to transform their employee support mechanisms.

Our AI-powered onboarding solution was backed by centralized knowledge base, integration connectors, format adapter, triggers, embedding engine, and a support bot. It was based on an open foundation of content generation API (private GPT services/open source LLM), prompt-based tuning, and feedback analysis.

What was the Impact?

AI-powered onboarding and learning helped our client automate skills gap analysis and skill-to-job role mapping. It facilitated learning recommendations based on the profile attributes of new hires. It also offered personalized learning plans.

With our automated onboarding solution, employees were able to flatten the forgetting curve with spaced learning using periodic nudges. The solution automatically converts onboarding content, HR documents, and SOPs into summaries and quizzes to nudge and recall for longer knowledge retention.

Practical application of automated onboarding and learning for employee support provided our client with various benefits:

  • Reduced average time to resolve queries from 1-2 hours/day to 15 minutes
  • Decreased frequency of escalate-to-expert tickets by 15%
  • Improved employee onboarding time and on-the-job training
  • Reduced spending on experts, service engineers, and other professionals
  • High employee engagement and reduced attrition

AI-driven automated onboarding and learning can take your employee support strategy to the next level. It can enable employees to access relevant training materials and development opportunities at their own pace. It will not only foster a culture of growth and adaptability but also enhance data-driven decision-making to maximize business growth.

Explore how Harbinger helped a multinational investment bank and financial services firm build an AI-powered automated onboarding and learning solution for employee support transformation.

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