Storyboard is the blueprint of any eLearning course. Instructional designers and course creators mostly intend to create a good storyboard for their courses but something or the other hinders them. At times, it is their inexperience which leads to the apprehension of laying out all their content properly into the storyboard, sometimes it is the fear of the storyboard not being interpreted correctly by their team members. At times, some of them feel that the storyboard might make their course too linear. Whatever be the stopping factor, storyboard is actually central to eLearning course development.
Laying out content easily and effectively into any storyboard requires the complete know-how of all course elements, course objective and even knowledge of some tools. Most people find getting started with their storyboard the most difficult part in the whole storyboarding process. They are stuck right at the onset. To answer all such apprehensions and queries related to storyboarding, Harbinger brings to you an exclusive session on ‘The Art of Storyboarding’.
The session will be conducted by Desiree Pinder – Executive Director/Founder – Artisan eLearning. Desiree is also a Thought Leader on Interactive Learning. Through the session, she will guide attendees through the key nuances of storyboarding like:
- Top mistakes people make when storyboarding and how to avoid them
- Tips on setting up the course canvas
- Tools that can be used for storyboard writing