
Author: Rahul Singh

Posted On Aug 24, 2020   |   5 Mins Read

The legendary basketball player, Michael Jordan once said, “I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining.” Pretty riveting depiction of framework. In the context of learning and development, the key role of a framework would be to enable CLOs to help businesses meet desired objectives through intervention of learning programs.

Today, we’ll be looking at a framework which Harbinger has designed to help L&D leaders navigate through the new normal of remote work and remote learning. The framework is called the PESE Model. It stands for prepare, engage, support, & evaluate. At a high level, this framework breaks down the successful implementation process of remote learning solutions into four distinct phases. In this blog, we would be looking at these four phases from a bird’s eye view. And in the subsequent, blogs we would peel the layers for each of these four phases, one at a time.


Prepare is the starting point, this is where we lay the foundation of success of the learning program.

To start with, it is important for us to agree upon the specific business challenge that we are solving and there should be a consensus amongst all stakeholders on this. The second point is knowing your audience – who are they, where are they, and how are they. Then you have to define the type of learning modalities that you want to use to implement your learning program – do you want to have a virtual instructor-led session, do you want to include game-based assessments or have SME videos. At this stage, it is also important to understand and define the role that you want technology to play, assess if you have the relevant technology in house or you would want some additional support to implement your remote learning program successfully. And last but not the least, clearly identify what role your virtual instructors need to play, assess where they are with their current skills in terms of facilitating virtual sessions and if they require any upskilling or reskilling.


Now, we move onto the second pillar of the framework, which is engage. In the times when remote work is becoming the new normal, keeping employees and learners engaged is key.

While implementing remote learning, there are three distinct stages at which we need to take care of learner engagement. Those three stages are pre-event, during the event and post the event. For e.g., let us consider the event as a virtual instructor-led session, in that case some engagement points which we could think of for different stages are:

  1. Creating a teaser animation video on the topic of the session for pre-event engagement. This can generate curiosity and motivate the audience to participate in the session.
  2. During the event, we can have group activities for learners where they can participate. Sleek and modern visual design is also a great hook to ensure engagement from the learners during the event.
  3. Post event is an important piece in the entire engagement cycle. This is where we should have a reasonable focus. Couple of engagement points for our learners during this phase could be nudging with supplementary learning material for reinforcement or providing support tools like job aids.


The third pillar of our framework is about supporting your learners. This support is required throughout the life cycle of remote learning; it is more about continuous learning.

The key is to integrate the required support in the flow of remote work. We can consider options like having an AI-enabled virtual coach integrated in an office productivity tool like slack or Microsoft teams to support your learners post the event.


And lastly, we come to the evaluate stage. It is imperative to evaluate the results of the remote learning program against the success parameters that were set. And based on the findings, if there is a need to make course corrections in the program we should do that and then re-launch the program.

So that’s the remote learning framework, Prepare – Engage – Support – Evaluate.

It would be interesting to know your thoughts on this framework. Please comment below or drop us a line at