Pebble recently launched “Pebble Time“, their newest addition to their smart watch range. Pebble time has many new enhancements, features and functionalities:
- Always on color E-Paper display
- Increased battery life of 7 days
- Newer ergonomic design
- A new timeline interface
But the most interesting functionality, one can say is designed into the chassis itself- A Microphone.This new feature can be used to send voice notes, reply to notifications, take a call, patient feedback…the possibilities are endless.
But how do we use or incorporate voice functionality in a seamless way. Harbinger Systems hosted an interactive webinar on “Pebble Time, Twilio and the Importance of Voice Communication”, on July 22, 2015.This webinar will talk about the significance of voice communication within your Pebble Time, especially since a wearable device is like an extension of the human body. It will cover the nuts and bolts of Twilio and give a walk-through of the business use cases demonstrating the dual power of Pebble Time and Twilio.
This webinar talked about the significance of voice communication within your Pebble Time, especially since a wearable device is like an extension of the human body. It covered the nuts and bolts of Twilio and gave a walk-through of the business use cases demonstrating the dual power of Pebble Time and Twilio.
Thank you for the overwhelming response to this webinar.
You can view the presentation and the webinar video here