
Author: Marketing Desk

Posted On Jun 03, 2015   |   3 min

With the globe witnessing a digital revolution, eLearning too has undergone many changes with organizations and educational institutes opening up to the inclusion of technologies to enhance their learning and development efforts.

eLearning has moved from the traditional computer based training to providing knowledge literally in your hand, via mLearning.

These technology infused learning styles have resulted in time saving, greater retention with engagement, improved interactivity and have been able to put a broad smile on the learner’s face.
Continuing towards mLearning, we are pleased to announce the details of our speaker sessions at mLearnCon, 2015 expo and the showcase of ‘Smiling Minutes’ at the Demofest, on June 10-11, 2015 at Austin, Texas.

Speaker sessions include-
1- Micro-Learning for Performance Support Using MVC: Mobile-Video Collaboration. Wednesday, June 10 | 4:00-5:00 PM CT
2- xAPIs and IoT Frameworks: The Future of Mobile Learning. Thursday, June 11 | 10:45-11:45 AM CT

In the Micro-learning for Performance Support Using MVC session, you will explore the effective use of micro-learning to prepare content for performance support systems. This session will emphasize the importance and role of mobile, video content, and crowd sourcing for knowledge collaboration in performance support solutions. This session will promolgate on how Mobile-Video-Collaboration(MVC) is helping provide performance support effectively in the areas like sales training, product training, on-the-job aids, and more. Click here for more details.

Our next session, xAPIs and IoT Frameworks: The Future of Mobile Learning, discusses about the impact Internet of Things (IoT) will have on mobile learning and the key factors one needs to consider in IoT frameworks for mobile learning applications. You will also learn how xAPI can be used to pool data from various sensors and devices to a learning management system (LMS). Click here for more details.

Now, you might be wondering after reading the first paragraph that why would a learner have a broad smile on his/her face, or you might be thinking, is it written just to fascinate the invitees? Or this line is written to make the blog more friendly.

We are showcasing “Smiling Minutes” an online innovative software platform, geared to revolutionize the way employee happiness is cultivated in the workplace. It’s an easy to use, cost-effective and analytics driven online mechanism for employees to participate in emotionally engaging happiness generating activities, by volunteering a few minutes of discretion in the office or from home.

We all complain about how busy we are. There is simply too much to do, yet the to-do list keeps growing. We wish there were more than 24 hours in the day! However, new research suggests that it is possible to change that feeling – not by working faster, or longer hours, but by spending some of our precious time helping other people learn.

Join us to know more, at Demofest where we would be showcasing ‘Smiling Minutes’.

Though there is lot to cover in mLearning, one thing is for sure, these sessions will move you beyond cognizance. Join us for these engaging sessions and the demo showcase of ‘Smiling Minutes’ at mLearnCon 2015 expo on June 10-11, 2015 at Austin, Texas. We look forward to meeting you.