
Author: Marketing Desk

Posted On Nov 11, 2014   |   2 Mins Read


Recently, Harbinger presented a speaker session at Cloud Expo West 2014, a Cloud Computing, IoT & Big Data event by Sys-Con Media. The event featured 175+ sessions from a faculty chosen among the leading industry players in the cloud computing and big data worlds. The expo had people and organizations representing all the main layers of cloud- the infrastructure players, the platform providers, and those offering applications.

Over the last few years, there has been an astounding 20% y-o-y growth in cloud adoption by healthcare segment. This is expected to reach a market size of $5.4 billion by 2017. One of the significant reasons for this growth can be attributed to providers and payers need for more agile approaches and technology. Overall, healthcare is a very broad and complex segment, dealing with a lot of communication between Health providers, Patients, Pharmacists, Insurance organization, Clearing house, etc. Now these are all closely knit inter-dependent systems and hence their solutions may become convoluted, not to forget that they should be in conformance to federal regulation like HIPPA, MU2.

In our speaker session ‘New Possibilities with Cloud-based Healthcare Records, we discussed about the evolution of Healthcare ecosystem, the challenges in the cloud enablement and how one can overcome these challenges. We shared the best methodologies based on our experience in applying different cloud services for healthcare and our insights in solving key issues like security, scalability, package /module integrations etc.

Cloud Expo – Technical Session PPT
In another session, ‘Leveraging Cloud for Video Delivery Platform’, we shared our experience in development and deployment of a highly scalable video delivery platform using cloud. We walked the audience through the demo of a video enhancement platform that can dynamically add interactions and personalisation to video delivery.
Cloud Expo – Demo Session PPT
Cloud Expo – Demo Session PPT