Best practices in Responsive Web Design

Author: Marketing Desk

Posted On Jun 17, 2013   |   2 Mins Read

The market dynamics are changing. The 2013 ComScore mobile report states that ‘Smartphones have surpassed 125 million U.S. consumers and tablets are now owned by more than 50 million. We have now crossed into the Brave New Digital World – in which consumers are always connected’. It also reveals that ‘more than one out of every three minutes online is now spent on devices beyond the PC’. As an aside, research tells us that the attention span of a modern internet customer is diminishing. Companies are finding innovative ways to enhance customer engagement and create a better digital experience for their customer, partners and prospects.

In this scenario, a company’s website becomes an undisputed heavyweight factor responsible for attracting and retaining audience to the company. In this multi-device world, from the audience’ viewpoint, ease of navigation across all devices and responsiveness of a website are of prime importance in their buying cycle. Be it on a desktop, mobile or a tablet, the uniformity of experience for the customer is of utmost significance. Thankfully, ‘Responsive web design (RWD)’ can be the optimum solution to address this need. RWD has been there for a while. Conceptually it has matured and emerged as a preferred choice for companies aiming to achieve a seamless user experience with minimum of resizing across devices – a ‘one-face’ from any device, any place and any time.

Harbinger Systems is hosting a Webinar on “Best Practices in Responsive Web Design”. The key Takeaways of the Webinar are:

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding RWD: What exactly is Responsive Web Design – the philosophy, the concept
  • Techniques and tools for RWD – Details about Media queries and CSS as well as various frameworks and tools for creating RWD design
  • Advantages and Limitations in RWD
  • Conceptual Knowledge of Server Side Responsive Design (RESS)

Harbinger Systems invites you for this special Webinar addressing the needs and challenges of today’s multi-device world.

Webinar Topic: Best Practices in Responsive Web Design
Date: June 26th, 2013
Time: 11 am PST | 1 pm CST | 2 pm EST
Click here to View the webinar slides and the webcast