The things that separate an exceptional website design from the content it exhibits are the factors that contribute towards smooth navigation between pages and the type of theme incorporated for its looks and presence. User Interface is the term associated when we talk about the looks and presence of options on the website. What is delivered through a phenomenal user interface is known as user experience. User experience can be explained further as an experience that showcases customer delight and ensures you keep coming back to this website as a priority amongst others. In a nutshell, UI and UX are two different wagons of the same train called website. And, this blog will talk about why you need those two wagons for moving your website from a mere address to an exceptional showpiece of information further bagging conversions.
UI Components for better website design
There is a huge misconception/confusion that rumors most of the audience here, it says that UX is live asset which is seen and can be incorporated in almost anything, be it websites, mobile applications or even a car. This is a false claim; UX as mentioned above is definitely an asset but a fictitious one. And, this is where the concepts need to be straightened up. Let us now incorporate some UI tactics and UX will easily form its place in the website, further delivering visits from repeated audience.
- The use of menu tabs with appropriate location and correct verbiage
- The need of options and icons with matched content is very important. It guides the user in completing a particular option. Moreover, a purpose is delivered when a particular user visits your website. Locating these options with the apt verbiage will ensure the visitor to complete or finish the task about his/her presence on your website.
- The importance of aesthetics in website
- What we see is what we perceive, this ideology holds true. Therefore, designing the website with corporate colors and templates will be an apt choice. To increase the UX of your website, it is mandatory to go with custom templates where you have unlimited options to customize. From colors to options, everything and anything can be customized to perfection through a custom template. However, there are instances where you might want to crunch down because of a tight budget. In such scenarios, a standard template would do wonders; again, incorporating a simple and eye soothing colors would do the trick even if it’s a standard design.
- The flow of pages with internal pages
- How many times a user has been lost in the trail of finding his/her purpose on the website? In most cases, the user is unable to find the right page though he/she knows why there are here. Blame the poor website design for such scenarios. Keep a simple flow that leads to the purpose as to why the viewer has visited your website. Too many options and internal links will destroy the charm of content you have provided on your website.
- The experience in colors and readability
- Font plays a major role in the type of content and business you wish to provide. Imagine Mc Donalds- The famous fast food chain having the logo written in Calligraphy font of the 1600s. Furthermore, colors contribute more towards the delivery of exceptional UX. To give an example, Mercedes Benz- the famous German Automobile manufacturer has its corporate colors of silver and black in all of their website designs across the globe.
- The power of sliding banners for your events and updates
- It is observed globally that bright images do have a lasting effect on our mind. It is even proven that the human is quite responsive to photogenic memory. Having sliding banners on your website will do the trick if you need to publicize about your latest event or update. The visitor is updated with new information every time he/she visits the website further alarming the visitor about the constant updates done on the website.
- The need to avoid 404 errors
- A 404 error is the last thing on earth that you wish your visitors should see. A 404 error is a missing page; it’s a sign for the visitor that you aren’t taking good care of your website. Refrain from such errors as they result in poor user experience immediately.
- How repeated visitors make the difference
- The culmination of the above points therefore concedes the type of user experience derived by a viewer visiting your website. Missing of any point from the above section will somewhere trigger a poor user experience. The main purpose of the visitor will not be addressed; the visitor will refrain from referring your website to others as well. Delivery of high-end user experience attracts more visitors and reduces bounce rate as well. It’s not only about the content being rich and understandable in all accents, design does make a huge difference.
The disasters caused by deviating off-course will surely hamper SEO rankings. The website is designed in such a way where the visitor is delighted to visit your website for the services you offer. By adhering the Design, Test and Release methodology it is quite easy to identify and rectify errors, if any. It also exposes small niggles that may arise once a newer version of the website has been uploaded. For these very reasons as UX is created out of the choices we make for UI, both the wagons are important for the functioning of the website. Conversions would surely follow once you have incorporated an eased out theme or template for your website further attracting more customers